BreastScreen NSW
A breast screen (also known as a mammogram) are x-rays of your breasts to check for cancer.
A breast screen can find cancers that are too small to see or feel. It can find cancers as small as a grain of rice, before you or doctor can detect any changes in your breasts. For women aged 50-74, a regular breast screen is the best way to find cancer early.
Screening with BreastScreen NSW:
- is FREE
- no referral is required
- takes 20 minutes every 2 years
- all radiographers are female
- uses high quality imaging equipment with minimal radiation.
To make a booking call 13 20 50 or visit
The BreastScreen NSW Broken Hill clinic is open four times per year. Please check the BreastScreen NSW website for dates.
BreastScreen NSW - Greater Western,
Broken Hill Hospital,
Broken Hill 2880
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Broken Hill Hospital ,
Broken Hill 2880
BreastScreen NSW - Greater Western
Broken Hill Hospital ,
Broken Hill 2880
BreastScreen NSW