StandBy Support After Suicide Western NSW


StandBy is Australia’s leading suicide postvention program dedicated to assisting people and communities bereaved or impacted by suicide.

The StandBy program is focused on supporting anyone who has been bereaved or impacted by suicide at any stage in their life, including:

  • Individuals
  • Families
  • Friends
  • Witnesses
  • First Responders
  • Service Providers

StandBy is accessible seven days a week, providing free face-to face and/or telephone support at a time and place that is best for each individual.

The program offers coordinated evidence-based support and resources (including connections to local services and groups) that is individualised for each person’s unique circumstance. This support is continued for up to two years to ensure those that engage with StandBy are not alone and receive ongoing support.

StandBy is guided by local advisory groups – which includes community stakeholders as well as those with Lived Experience. StandBy National is informed by our National Lived Experience Advisory Group.

StandBy builds community preparedness and resilience through extensive training to community and professional groups to ensure effectiveness and that duplicated effort is avoided. The program is also ideally placed to offer a settings-based approach, providing group support after a suicide for schools, workplaces and community groups.

Referrals can be made by anyone via the nationwide phone number 1300 727 247.