Pathways to Care - Community Suicide Postvention Planning Workshop
Each and every day in Australia more than 8 people die by suicide. On average 135 people are impacted by each suicide. This means that every year over 400,000 Australians are impacted by suicide. This number accumulates year upon year. Whole communities are impacted by suicide deaths. Coordinated support is vital for impacted communities. Would you feel confident to provide support to your community bereaved or impacted by suicide?
Join us for this free, interactive and engaging workshop delivered by Australia's largest and leading Suicide Postvention service StandBy Support After Suicide. Pathways to Care is designed to engage First Responders; Emergency Services; GPs and other Front Line workers; Health Workers; Service Providers; Community Organisations; and Community Suicide Prevention Groups to participate in developing a strategic and planned approach to suicide Postvention within their community to support those bereaved or impacted by suicide. This workshop covers Postvention; Suicide and its impacts; Trauma, Crisis and Grief; and what makes suicide different from other forms of sudden death. Participants work through a fictitious scenario to hone their skills in identifying who may need support and how the community may respond. This workshop can serve as a pre-cursor to the formation of a formal Community Suicide Postvention Plan.
This workshop is suited to First Responders; Emergency Services; GPs and other Front Line workers; Health Workers; Service Providers; Community Organisations; and Community Suicide Prevention Groups; and those aged 18 and older.
Morning Tea will be provided, as will a light lunch following the completion of the workshop.
Thursday, 09 February 2023 | 09:30 AM
- 01:30 PM
South Community Centre, Cnr Comstock and Palton Sts, Broken Hill, 2880, View Map
Cnr Comstock and Palton Sts ,
Broken Hill 2880
South Community Centre
Cnr Comstock and Palton Sts ,
Broken Hill 2880
Pathways to Care - Community Suicide Postvention Planning Workshop