A cause that unites us all

Published on 01 July 2021


Locals are invited to gather and celebrate our Indigenous community next week at the NAIDOC Flag Raising Ceremony at the Civic Centre.

The ceremony will run from 10am until 11.30am on July 5, and will feature a welcome to Country, smoking ceremony, Didgeridoo performance, formal addresses, and a free morning tea.

The event is part of NAIDOC Week celebrations, which run from July 4 until July 11.

The NAIDOC Week theme for 2021 is "Heal country, heal our nation!", which calls on all Australians to continue to seek greater protections for our lands, our waters, our sacred sites and our cultural heritage from exploitation, desecration, and destruction.

Mayor Darriea Turley said the theme was perfect for Broken Hill given the city's passion for the Darling River and the environment.

"If there is one issue where locals from all backgrounds have always stood shoulder-to-shoulder, it's the protection of our river and our environment," said Mayor Turley.

"The fight to protect our waterways, our land, and to highlight its cultural importance to our indigenous communities is an ongoing battle.

"It's a topic Indigenous and non-Indigenous locals are very passionate about, it unites us, and we're going to keep working together until our environment and its cultural history receives the respect and protection it deserves."

Please be advised that those attending the ceremony will be required to wear a mask in line with current COVID-19 restrictions.

Masks can however be removed while eating and drinking during morning tea.