Help our trees survive the heat

Published on 24 January 2020


Locals are encouraged to help trees survive the current harsh weather conditions by giving them a little water.

A number of trees along the city's streets are struggling with the hot, dry weather after Broken Hill received just 82mm of rain for all of 2019.

A thoughtful resident recently messaged Council expressing concern over the health of trees, and suggested Council encourage locals to assist with tree watering.

Mayor Darriea Turley welcomed the idea and encouraged all locals to lend a hand to keep our trees alive.

"It's so positive to see an idea like this come from a proactive community member," she said.

"Our water truck makes multiple trips each week with staff targeting young or struggling trees, but it's an uphill battle given the weather we've been having.

"I realise not everyone can afford to water trees on their nature strip, but if you are able, please offer trees a little water for the good of our community.

"Even if it's only a hose on a slow trickle for a few minutes a day, it will help make a difference."

Picture: Aaron Carroll