Input sought on disability plan
Published on 07 June 2019
Residents with a disability, along with their carers and supporters, are encouraged to provide input as Council prepares its Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) for 2021-25
The new DIAP will replace the current plan and aims to promote inclusion and uphold rights for all residents, while investigating the practical steps that Council can take to achieve these goals.
The DIAP will then guide future strategic planning and service delivery plans at a local level.
So whether it's a park, footpath, pool, Council facility or the way we interact with people with disability, Council would like to know how we can improve to make Broken Hill City Council accessible and inclusive.
The community consultation program is being conducted by Jenny Bray Training and Consulting in partnership with Council, and will begin Monday 10th June with a community survey (including an Easy Read version).
Hard copies of the surveys will be available from June 11 at the library, YMCA, Council's Administration Centre, and local disability service providers will also distribute the survey to NDIS Participants accessing their service.
Surveys can be completed online at
Council will also hold a public consultation session at the Civic Centre on 18 June from 10am to 11.30am.
Those seeking further information can contact Council on 8080 3300, or email
In addition to the measures listed above, Ms Bray will also attend meetings with local disability service providers. Providers interested in supplying feedback can email Ms Bray on