Input welcomed on Tree Plan
Published on 12 May 2021
Council's Parks and Gardens team will be in town square later this month to chat with locals about the management of trees in the city.
Council recently put its draft Tree Management Plan on public display, and is keen to receive community input.
The plan will provide a strategic and structured approach for the management of trees in the community in regard to maintenance, protection, renewal, and risk.
Importantly, the plan also outlines changes regarding the types of trees that can be planted in future, and calls for an end to the planting of problem species that can pose a risk to people or property.
"I think the main thing people wanted to see was an end to the planting of troublesome large gums and that forms part of this plan," said Council's Strategic Asset Manager, Chris Ford.
"Under the plan large gums and other problem species are now considered 'undesirable', and in future we'll instead look to plant more suitable trees such as Mulgas, Bottlebrush, and other drought-resistant species.
"The plan also provides a cohesive approach and guidelines to removing dead or damaged trees to ensure we protect healthy trees and remove dead or dying trees in a coordinated fashion."
Mr Ford encouraged anyone with an interest in the draft Plan or tree planting in general to come along and chat to staff in Town Square between 10am and midday on May 25.
"The plan is by no means finalised, so if anyone has any input as to what we should be doing regarding trees, we'd be more than happy to hear from them.
"We're also happy to field any other general questions, such as how to get a tree planted in your street, or the steps that should be taken to have one removed.
"Or people can simply view the plan online and send us feedback via our online submission form."