Nominations closing soon for Civic Ball

Published on 23 June 2022

image of a girl and boy dancing at a debutante ball, surrounded by smiling people sitting at their tables watching them

Just three more nominations are needed for the glamour of the Civic Ball to return in 2022.


The event is one of the longest-running Debutante Balls in Australia, and nominations remain open until the end of June.


This year's event will be the first Civic Ball since 2019 that will be largely unaffected by COVID-19, and Mayor Tom Kennedy said he hopes to see the event go ahead on September 23.


"The Civic Ball is a great Broken Hill tradition and an unforgettable night for the debutantes and their families," he said.


"We usually get some late nominations every year, and hopefully that will be the case again this year.


"I'd encourage anyone thinking about making their debut to contact our Events team as soon as possible."


Those wishing to nominate for the 2022 Civic Ball can contact Council's Senior Events Officer, Shannan Botten, on 8080 3322,

e-mail or use the online form below.