November Meeting Wrap
Published on 28 November 2019
Council supports Nation Dance
Council voted to waive entry fees to the Living Desert Flora and Fauna Sanctuary on December 1 to accommodate 'Nation Dance'. The nation-wide event will be held to promote unity between the indigenous community.
Signs To Stay
An attempt to overturn the gateway signage competition was again unsuccessful. A rescission motion lodged by Councillors Page, Kennedy and Gallagher was defeated 6-4. Council remains willing to construct Ms Spicers' signs at key tourism points around the city, but will proceed with installation of the competition-winning signs on the city's entry roads.
Conduct complaints cost $20k
Council tabled its Code of Conduct complaints for 2018/2019. Two complaints were made against Councillors between 1 September 2018 - 31 August 2019 at a cost of approximately $20,000.
Annual report on show
Councillors adopted the draft 2018/2019 Annual Report. The report includes achievements under Council's Delivery Program and Disability Inclusion Action plan, along with audited financial statements for the past financial year. The report provides a thorough outline of Council's activities throughout the past year and begins at page 43 of this month's business papers.
Disability focus continues
Council considered the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the Disability Inclusion Action Plan. The four-year plan runs from 2017-2021 with 59 of the plan's 87 KPIs currently completed, in progress, or ongoing. 14 KPIs have been deferred, and 17 are yet to be commenced.
Agency Guide endorsed
Councillors endorsed the reviewed Draft Agency Guide for release to the Information Commissioner for review and comment. The guide describes Council's functions and structure, how these aspects of the organisation affect the public, and the public's involvement with both. Council must have a guide in place in accordance with Section 20 of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009.
Better asset management planned
Council voted to put the Draft Asset Management Policy and Asset Management Strategy and Benchmarks for Building Assets Rationalisation on public display for 28 days. This will be used to apply a benchmark to Council's assets to prioritise asset maintenance and renewal. The data will also be used in seeking funding, considering service co-location, and possibly disposing of assets that have reached the end of their useful life. Read more here!
Federation Way to be acquired
Councillors voted to acquire the road leading to the Miner's Memorial (Federation Way). Council upgraded the road in 2014 with State Government Funding on the proviso it takes ownership of the road at a future date.
Councillors to consider Maari Ma plan
Councillors considered a proposal from Maari Ma around the possible acquisition of an activity shed on the grounds of the Broken Hill Regional Art Gallery. The shed would form part of a new Knowledge and Healing Centre to be constructed by Maari Ma. Councillors noted the project and requested a further report around the proposal once a more detailed project scope is available.
Easement granted
Councillors gave the green light to a water pipeline easement to Water NSW at the rear of the Kanandah Road industrial area.