Road crews getting results

Published on 10 March 2020


Council's road crews have produced a massive summer of work and made significant improvements to the roads around the city.

The crews resealed and patched approximately 102,000 square metres of road during the recent reseal program, and constructed a long-awaited new road for Brown Street residents.

Council's General Manager, James Roncon, said staff should be congratulated for producing outstanding results, often in stifling conditions.

"An unfortunate fact about road work is that Broken Hill's harsh summer months provide the best results for patching and resealing," he said.

"Our crews spend long hours in extreme heat to improve the city's roads, and I think they do a great job given we don't have the resources of most other Councils around the State.

"It should also be noted that their efficiency allowed us to complete the construction of Brown Street $200,000 under budget, and that saving has allowed us to fast track works to rejuvenate Norm Fox Oval for the city's cricketers.

"Road work can probably seem like a thankless job at times, but I believe the majority of the community understand that our crews punch well above their weight with what they achieve.

"Their work is certainly valued by everyone here at Council."