Take advantage of surplus funds: Mayor
Published on 09 August 2019
Council has a large purse of funds available to community groups in Round 2 of its Community Assistance Grants (CAG) program for 2019/20.
The first round of funding was announced in May, with 15 local groups sharing in $51,104 to fund a variety of projects and initiatives.
This left $24,000 in the funding pool, and that money has now been rolled into the current round of funding, bringing the total available in Round 2 to $71,000.
Mayor Darriea Turley said there has never been a better time for community groups to seek funding from Council.
"The CAG program is about providing vital financial assistance to the smaller clubs and groups who give so much to our city," she said.
"A few thousand dollars is a drop in the ocean for major projects or large organisations, but it can make a massive difference to those groups who are constantly working at a community level to improve Broken Hill.
"The last few rounds of funding haven't been fully utilised and money has been rolling over, meaning now have over $70,000 to give away.
"So if you have project, plan, or initiative that needs funding, there's never been a better time approach Council for some assistance."
Applications for Round 2 close on October 31, 2019. Those wishing to apply for the CAG program can do so at https://www.brokenhill.nsw.gov.au/application-communityassistance-grant.
Applicants must be an incorporated community association/organisation, or a registered not-for-profit association/charitable organisation with an ABN or ACN.
Applications will not be accepted from individuals, businesses, government agencies, political parties or lobby groups.