Tour guides donate $8,000 to charity

Published on 09 March 2021


A number of local charities have received a generous donation from the Volunteer Heritage Walk Tour guides.

The volunteer walk tour guides re-started their tours on the 13th April 2017, and are currently made up of seven locals with a passion for Broken Hill and an extensive knowledge of the city’s heritage, mining and social history.

The guides receive a donation from tourists for their efforts, and the group recently decided to donate $8,000 to local charities.

$2000 donations have been earmarked for each of the following charities/services:

• Local Health Service Palliative Care Unit

• Silverlea Early Childhood Services

• Bishop Fox Memorial Meal Centre (Vinnies)

• RSPCA Broken Hill

Mayor Darriea Turley AM said the guides should be congratulated on the donation and their ongoing work to promote the city.

"The Walk Tours are such an important part of local tourism, I've heard from many tourists how much they enjoy and value the experience," said Mayor Turley.

"To be able to also offer financial support to local charities and services is just an amazing bonus.

"On behalf of Council and the community I wish to congratulate all volunteers in the Walk Tour program, and hope we see their good work continue for many years to come."

If you have local knowledge, a love of Broken Hill, and some spare time, the Walk Tour group are always looking for more volunteer guides.

Those wishing to become a Heritage Walk Tour guide can contact Carol McGavisk on 8088 3095.

The tours last around two hours, never leave the CBD, and are conducted at a relaxed pace with numerous breaks.