Where do you see Broken Hill in 2040?
Published on 10 February 2020
Locals are invited to have their say on the future of Broken Hill during the "Your Broken Hill 2040" engagement process.
Engagement activities will run from March 5 to April 12, and the feedback will be used to inform the city's Community Strategic Plan (CSP).
The CSP is a high level strategic plan informed by the community, and used by Council and other local organisations to chart a course for the city's future.
The engagement process will include a mix of targeted workshops, pop-up engagement sessions around the city, and an online survey for locals to outline what they would like Broken Hill to look like in 2040.
Council's General Manager, James Roncon, said the CSP was critical to the future direction of the city, and encouraged all locals to take part in its creation.
"The first thing I want to stress is that this is not a Council plan; the CSP is created by the community to shape the city's future, Council is merely facilitating the process," he said.
"People often feel they have no say in the direction of Broken Hill, but this plan represents the best chance for them to tell us their priorities and aspirations for the city over the next 20 years.
"Some people might want radical change, others might be quite happy for things to stay the same. What's important is that everyone puts their view forward."
Mr Roncon said engagement for 'Your Broken Hill 2040' would be conducted to try and make it as easy as possible for everyone to give feedback.
"We'll be sending out letters to organisations across various areas such as health, tourism, education and more, and inviting representatives to attend targeted workshops to put forward issues that are critical to their sector," he said.
"There will also be two open workshops for the general public on March 5 with sessions at 8.45am and 6pm, and a series of pop-up sessions across the city in late March culminating with a free BBQ in Patton Park on March 28.
"We realise not everyone will want to give feedback in person though, so we'll also have an online feedback form available for two weeks from March 30."
An FAQ around 'Broken Hill 2040' and the CSP can be found here.