Wrap of July Meeting
Published on 01 August 2019
Council backs 'Greening The Hill Mk.2'
Mayor Darriea Turley's Mayoral Minute to partner Landcare in the Greening The Hill Mk.2 initiative was passed. The partnership will ensure Council and Landcare cooperate oh greening initiatives, and work toward common goals and strategic objectives. Council's Strategic Asset Manager will have the capacity to act as a liaison between Landcare and Council.
Potential upgrade for netball courts
Councillor Tom Kennedy put forward a Notice of Motion calling for $200,000 to be set aside in the 2020/21 budget for upgrades of the surface and lighting at the netball courts. The motion attracted general support from Council, but concerns were raised around committing a large sum of money before preparations for next year's budget have even commenced. Councillors voted to include the upgrade as a project for consideration in the 2020/21 budget.
Energy correspondence requested
Cr Kennedy also called for Council to send correspondence to the State Government objecting to recent job cuts at Essential Energy. It was noted that Mayor Turley has already written to the city's Local Member, Roy Butler, to express concern and request that her correspondence be raised with the Government, and the motion was passed.
Motions for State Conference
Council will take three motions to the NSW Local Government Annual Conference in mid-August. The first calls on the State Government to provide financial support for the restoration and remediation of cemeteries that have been damaged by climatic conditions and drought. The second motion calls for LGNSW to establish a Local Government Volunteer Strategy to support and encourage volunteering, and the third motion calls on LGNSW to lobby the State for a Museum Strategy to better support museums across NSW.
Destination Broken Hill progress pleasing
Councillors have opted against reforming the Regional Tourism Association, noting the good relationships Destination Broken Hill has formed with the local tourism industry, and key role Destination Broken Hill plays in the collaborative model for managing the visitor economy with Council, Destination NSW, and Destination Country and Outback. The outcomes of these current collaborative activities will be considered at the February meeting.
Draft VPA Policy on display
A draft Voluntary Planning Agreement Policy will be put on display for public consideration. The policy aims to give clear direction to Council, staff and developers for the development of a planning agreement, and general requirements for the use of a VPA as a contribution method.
Draft Gifts and Benefits Policy on display
An updated version of Council's Gifts and Benefits Policy will be open for public input. The policy is being reviewed in line with the new Code of Conduct Policy adopted at the March meeting.
Holiday shutdown period
Council will again shutdown over the Christmas period, with the Administrative Centre and Warnock Street Depot closed on December 20 and reopening on January 6. The December meeting for 2019 will be brought forward to December 11.
Good response to sport vouchers
Council has received a strong response to its $25 sport voucher program, with 350 forms downloaded from the website since the program's launch on July 1.
Garage gets green light
The construction of a new 3-car garage at 89 Piper Street has been supported by Council, providing several conditions are followed regarding the demolition of existing structures, stormwater, and materials used in construction.
Code of Conduct referred to OLG
Councillors voted to refer two code of conduct matters to the Office of Local Government for determination.
New operators for kiosk
Councillors voted in favour of a new 12-month licence to operate the airport kiosk. Council will now negotiate the terms with the applicant, and it is hoped the kiosk will be operating again by September.
Indoor soccer to return
Councillors voted to lease the Adkin Pavilion at Memorial Oval to the Broken Hill Soccer Association for futsal and training. However the association will be required to make the facility available for the staging of the Silver City Show each year.
Land available for Police
Council agreed to make a portion of Kintore Reserve available for sale to allow Police to build their new station on the site. The move would see the picnic train relocated to Queen Elizabeth Park. The West Darling Machinery Preservation Society are aiming to work with Council to revitalise the park and complement the train with new rail-themed play equipment.