
People putting oversized jigsaw puzzle pieces together

A Section 355 Committee is a committee established under Section 355 of the Local Government Act 1993, to assist Council with the operation and maintenance of various Council facilities and services. Under the Local Government Act 1993 Council is able to delegate some of its functions to a Committee of Council. Council uses this delegation and appoints community members to manage its facilities or functions through a Section 355 Asset Committee or a Section 355 Advisory Committee. Section 355 of the Act allows Council to exercise a function of Council and Section 377 of the Act allows Council to delegate functions of Council.


Asset Committees:

Hiring a facility is central to the purpose of the Committee. Making the facility readily accessible to the community, whilst at the same time, raising funds for its maintenance and future improvements are some of the main objectives of the Asset Committee. Asset Committees operate under the Section 355 Asset Committee Manual(PDF, 1MB) and each Committee also has its own Constitution or Terms of Reference.

Advisory Committees:

The purpose of an Advisory Committee is to advise Council on the views, needs and interests of particular communities in the Broken Hill Local Government Area (LGA). Committee Members drawn from the community have experience or expertise in the areas defined by their Committee of interest and commit themselves to Advisory Committee responsibilities. Advisory Committees operate under the Section 355 Advisory Committee Manual(PDF, 914KB) and each Committee also has its own Constitution or Terms of Reference.

Section 355 Committee nominations are now open and may be submitted by completing the form below.