Heritage Grants



Council acknowledges the value of our built environment and its importance in our Heritage City.
The Heritage Assistance Grants policy aims to provide financial assistance to residents and businesses to beautify our City and maintain its heritage appeal through the provision of grants and loans to paint and maintain buildings in Broken Hill and to support restoration and rebuilding of verandahs on commercial properties.

Council's funding program consists of two streams of heritage funding, those being:

• STREAM 1 - Verandah Restoration

• STREAM 2 - Painting and minor restoration for residential and commercial buildings

STREAM 1 – Verandah Restoration

This relates to the restoration or rebuilding of verandahs on commercial properties.

The Verandah Restoration Program will provide assistance through 80% loan funding and 20% grant funding to assist applicants in restoration and construction of verandahs with heritage significance. Council will accept applications for the Verandah Restoration Program at any time throughout the year.

Eligibility Criteria - The verandah for which the funding has been sought must be of heritage significance as determined by Council’s Heritage Advisor. Restoration plans must be approved by Council’s Heritage Advisor.

Successful applicants and Council must sign an Agreement, containing Council’s terms and conditions for Council’s financial assistance prior to any monies being released.
The repayment period for the loan component of the assistance must not exceed 4 years.
Repayments must be made at weekly, fortnightly or quarterly intervals.
The interest rate to be charged shall be the Reserve Bank of Australia cash rate plus 2% at the time the loan is approved by Council.

STREAM 2 – Painting and Minor Restoration Works

This relates to works to either residential or commercial properties. Funding is offered through grants and/or small loans.
A grant amount of up to $1500 per property will be available subject to this amount not exceeding 50% of total approved works.
A loan amount of up to $3000 per property will be available subject to this amount not exceeding 50% of total approved works.

Applicants are eligible to apply for both the grant and the loan.

Eligibility criteria - Funding will not be made retrospectively for work already carried out, unless Council considers that special circumstances exist. Applicants must be able to commit to complete the approved works within a twelve month period.

If you are interested in seeking heritage funding for your property, please contact Council's Planning, Development and Compliance team on telephone 08 8080 3300