Development Determinations

DATE: 7 February 2025

UPDATE PERIOD: January 2025

Pursuant to the provisions of Section 4.59 and Section 2.2 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, notice is hereby given that Council has determined the following Development Applications during the month of January 2025.

The listed Development Consents are available for public inspection, free of charge, during ordinary office hours at the Consent Authority's Principal Office. 

DA No.

Date Lodged



Determination Date

Determination Status

Reason for Decision

Community Consultation

DA2025/1/1 8/1/2025 28 Kanandah Rd Light industrial storage and associated offices 30/1/2025 Approved The proposal complies with the relevant provisions of the Broken Hill Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2013 and the Development Control Plan (DCP) 2016


 The proposed development is not required to be notified or advertised under the Broken Hill DCP 2016


 DA2024/23/2 1/11/2024 116 Brown St Modification - Removal of load bearing wall and 1 window 23/1/2025 Approved As above As above
DA2024/89/1 24/10/2024 343 Argent St Outdoor dining on the footpath and liquor licence 23/1/2025 Approved As above As above
DA2024/96/1 5/12/2024 121 Bagot St Extension to existing Centre Based Child Care Facility 15/1/2025 Approved As above As above
DA2024/106/1 10/12/2024 472 Cummins Lane New swimming pool 8/1/2025 Approved As above As above