Digital Library


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Join online OR renew your books

Join online

Step 1.Free library membership

Not a member? You can join the library online

Step 2.Visit our online catalogue page

Library catalogue

This is also where you can search for items, and access your member account.

Step 3.Where to next?

Click on 'Join the library' in the menu on the left.

Scroll through to the end of the Conditions of membership and Customer Code of Conduct and click accept.

Step 4.Enter details

Select the type of membership, enter some personal details and click submit.

You will then receive a welcome email with more information.


New online service for library members!

Stream movies and documentaries through Beamafilm on smartphone, tablet or PC.

Step 1.Access

Access Beamafilm through your browser or download the Beamafilm app from the Apple app store or Google Play store.

Step 2.Login

Select Broken Hill City Library if this is not already selected
Login in using your library member (under the barcode on your library card)

Step 3.Sign up

Sign up through your Facebook or Google account, alternatively fill in the required fields to create your Beamafilm account.

Step 4.Start streaming

You're now ready to start browsing titles and viewing trailers, you can also click the heart icon to save favourites to your account.

Simply click view film to watch!

Britannica Online

Step 1.Login details

Have your library member number ready (found on the back of your library card)

Step 2.Get started

Britannica online

Step 3.Explore

Britannica encyclopedia online for a range of factual information for adults, teens and children.







eBooks, eMagazines & eAudio

eBooks, eAudio and eMagazines

Step 1.Login details

Have your library member number ready (found on the back of your library card).

If you haven't changed your password it will be automatically set to your eight digit date of birth, e.g. 05081987

Please change your password after your first login.

Step 2.Choose your platform

Head to the e-library or straight to IndyReads, Libby, Bolinda Borrowbox can both be accessed online, or from free apps on iOS and Android.

Step 3.Browse and borrow to your device

It's really that easy!

Step 4.Wasn't what you were looking for?

Explore all our library has to offer online

Or give us a call on 08 8080 3460 and we'll help you out.


For the kids

For the kids

Step 1.StoryBox Library

StoryBox Library has hundreds of interactive and engaging Australian children's stories read by a range of well-known people!

Step 2.Literacy Planet

Learning literacy is competitive and gamified through Literacy Planet

Step 3.Busy Things & Busy Code

Busy Things has fun educational activities for ages 3 and up or you can learn the basics of coding through fun projects with Busy Code.
So why not get busy!


Library blog

Have you checked out the online resources available with your library membership? Looking for more?

We are publishing a weekly blog post sharing online resources that can keep you and your family entertained and educated.

Library blog

Research databases

Research databases

Step 1.Login details

You will need your library member number to login into GALE. 

Step 2.Visit GALE database


Step 3.Explore

This great resource is not only home to research databases but also eBooks, Novelist plus, History reference centre and Hobbies and craft reference center.