Tech space
Wifi/Internet and computers
Free WiFi for your laptop or device, computer use and internet are available at the Library during opening hours.
The Library provides computers equipped with internet access and word processing in the library, as well as dedicated gaming computers located in the youth space.
Children under the age of 18 are required to have authorisation from their parent/legal guardian before access is granted to use the library public computers.
By granting permission for children to use the internet and library public computer, parents/legal guardians are agreeing to take responsibility as guarantor for their children accessing illegal or inappropriate sites, or any breaches of copyright from electronic sources. Library staff do not supervise children in the use of computers or Internet content.
Computer sessions are for one hour or 30 minutes, but this can be extended (subject to availability).
Non-members can be issued a temporary guest pass for computer booking and use, ask a staff member.
Photocopying and scanning
Photocopying and scanning facilities are available at the library.
WiFi and remote printing are also available.
Fees may apply.

3D Printer
The library Ultimaker 3 Extended 3D printer uses PLA plastic filament to create three-dimensional objects layer by layer. From super fine - .06mm to fast -.2mm layers. The finer the layer the longer the print will take.
Where To Find/Make 3D Objects
Thingiverse – explore the 3D creations that people have created and shared. You can join this site or use it anonymously.
Tinkercad – use the inbuilt tutorials to learn to create your own design or explore creations that other people have made. You will need to join this site to be able to use it.
Telstra Tech Savvy
The library offers free Telstra Tech Savvy workshops providing the opportunity for people to develop the skills and confidence to use technology for socialising, accessing important services or conducting personal business.
Particularly beneficial for older people who may be feeling left behind in the digital world.
Topics include mobile devices, computers, internet, online security, email and computer programs.
View their short videos to learn at your own pace here
If there are no workshops currently available you are welcome to leave an expression of interest in the form below and we will contact you when they are running.
IT help sessions
Be Connected is an Australia wide initiative empowering all Australians to thrive in a digital world.
One on one sessions are provided once a month where you can book a library staff member or volunteer who will assist you with your technology questions.
These sessions are free, however bookings are required and are for a maximum of thirty minutes.
Contact the Library to request a session or leave your details below.