Household hazardous waste
Household Hazardous Waste is the term used for items that are typically found around the home that contain chemicals that can potentially be harmful to people, pets and the environment. Broken Hill City Council operates a Community Recycling Centre (CRC) that enables residents to regularly drop off the following wastes free of charge:
- Paint
- Solvents
- Household cleaners
- Smoke Detectors
- Fluorescent light globes and tubes
- Old gas bottles
- Fire Extinguishers
- Aerosol Cans
- Printer Cartridges
The CRC is located at the Broken Hill Waste Management Facility (1 Wills St) and is accessible during normal operating hours. These wastes are collected by a registered contractor, transported and treated in a particular way so as not to cause harm to life, property or the environment.
A CRC small drop off station is also located at the Broken Hill City Library to complement the CRC network and to improve the overall accessibility for householders to safely dispose of household problem waste. The drop off station can support residents with mobility issues e.g. no access to a car or residents with small problem waste items. Items that can be dropped off a the CRC small drop off station include globes, smoke detectors, batteries, mobiles and ink cartridges.
Non-commercial volumes of the following can be delivered to the Broken Hill Waste Management Facility -
- Pesticides (non-commercial)
- Pool chemicals
- Garden Chemicals (herbicides)
If you have larger volumes (over 20L) or commercial volumes, please contact Council to discuss disposal options.