Statement of Business Ethics


Broken Hill City Council will ensure that all its policies, procedures and practices related to tendering, contracting and the purchase of goods and services are consistent with best practice and the highest standards of ethical conduct.

Council’s employees are bound by Council’s comprehensive Code of Conduct and Code of Business Practice. When doing business with the private sector, Council employees are accountable for their actions and are expected to:

  • Use public resources effectively and efficiently
  • Deal fairly, honestly and ethically with all individuals and organisations
  • Avoid any conflicts of interest (whether real or perceived)

In addition, all Council procurement activities are guided by the following core business principles:

  • All potential suppliers will be treated with impartiality and fairness and given equal access to information and opportunities to submit bids
  • All procurement activities and decisions will be fully and clearly documented to provide an audit trail and to allow for effective performance review of contracts
  • Tenders will not be called unless Council has a firm intention of proceeding to contract 
  • The Council will not disclose confidential or proprietary information

What we expect from you

Council requires that all private sector providers of goods and services observe the following principles when doing business with Council:

  • Act ethically, fairly and honestly in all dealings with the Council
  • Respect the conditions set out in documents supplied by Council
  • Respect the obligations of Council employees to abide by Council’s Procurement Policy and Tendering Policy
  • Abstain from collusive practices
  • Take all reasonable measures to prevent the disclosure of confidential Council information
  • Refrain from offering Council employees or Councillors any financial or other inducement which may give an impression of unfair advantage
  • Refrain from discussing Council business or dealings in the media, except with Council’s consent
  • Assist the Council to prevent unethical practices in our business relationships


You should be aware of the consequences of not complying with Council’s ethical requirements when doing business with the Council. Demonstrated corrupt or unethical conduct could lead to:

  • Termination of contracts
  • Loss of future work
  • Loss of reputation
  • Investigation for corruption
  • Matters being referred for criminal investigation

Finding out more about Council’s business practices

If you have any questions regarding this Statement or to provide information about suspected corrupt conduct, please contact Council’s General Manager directly by letter, phone, fax or email at the contact details shown below.

The General Manager
Broken Hill City Council
PO Box 448
Tel: 08 8080 3300
Fax: 08 8080 3424

Many of Councils policies, including Code of Conduct, Code of Business Practices, Tendering and Procurement Policy are available for viewing or download on Council’s website.